Sunday, January 15, 2017

Trump's Potemkin Blind Trust

Those folders of documents at his press conference which Trump offered up as "proof" that his was stepping away from his business affairs?

The evidence would indicate that the folders contained nothing but blank sheets of paper.

Just another day in the life of His Fraudulency, the Grifter-in-Chief.


  1. You may (I say "may") be right.

    Now explain to ke how the Obamas ganed all that wealth during the 8 years of his presidency.....?

  2. Didn't someone refer to his proposal as "... not even a seeing-eye trust?"

  3. It ought to be called a Yeager Trust.

    B, right. And if there was anything to find there, Issa or Chaffetz would have been all over it like bark on a pine tree.

    Speaking of those birds, they've indicated that they're going to turn their blind eye to Trump.


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