Thursday, January 5, 2017

Trump Loves Those Wall Street Guys (Now That He's Won)

Remember how Trump was bashing Clinton and Cruz for their ties to Wall Street, especially Goldman Sachs?

That was then.

This is now:
Donald Trump on Wednesday chose a Wall Street attorney with experience in corporate mergers and public stock launches as his nominee to head the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Trump announced his nomination of Jay Clayton, a partner in the law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, as chairman of the independent agency that oversees Wall Street and the financial markets.
Clayton's about the most Wall-Street-friendly watchdog since Eric Holder. Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp", but he's been instead stocking it with more alligators. He's chosen a bunch of guys from Goldman Sachs for his administration. If they're not from the Global Vampire Squid, they're people who donated a lot of money to his campaign.

But don't you worry. The Trumpanzees will soon be along to explain how Trump's ties to Goldman Sachs are different.

1 comment:

  1. Swamp draining is SO 2016 - this will be promoted as wanting to run the government like a business. Rebranding for the new year, and all that...


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