Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump is Just Another Tin-Pot Tyrant

Trump is going to order that people visiting the US be vetted, at least partially, based on their opinions and ideology.

It was going on just before his inauguration, as the thugs of the Customs Service weren't letting in Canadians who wanted to join the protests of last Saturday.

"Land of the free and home of the brave," my ass.

More to the point, by Trump's effective ban on Muslims, what he's doing is playing into the narrative of the Islamic ideologues who have been claiming for decades that the United States is at war with Islam. Trump is going to be their best recruiting tool since Cheney.

Bet your ass that the Trump hotels and properties in other countries are going to be Terrorist Target #1.


  1. "Bet your ass that the Trump hotels and properties in other countries are going to be Terrorist Target #1."

    And when one of them gets hit, will he get a war to call his very own? Attention whores tend to jump at the chance to get into history books. Will it then dawn on him why there is a longstanding tradition (if not actual written law) of presidents divesting themselves of potential conflicts of interest?
    I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. So, by actually calling for enforcing the laws on the books, he's a tin pot tyrant? Really? You seem to conveniently forget that CONGRESS actually passed those laws and Obama ignored them for 8 years.

  3. There's a political purity test made into law for foreign tourists? Interesting. Do they have to do the Nazi salute to a cardboard cutout of Twitler, too?

  4. NFO, when did Canadians become our 'enemies'? The laws you cite have to do with people trying to emigrate into the US. The Canadians, from what I read, wanted to come here to peacefully protest. Or is it only us 'Mericans that can do that?

    Guess there's another wall to be built. I wonder if We can get Ottawa to pay for this one.



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