Sunday, January 22, 2017

To Drink Booze is to be Civilized

Drinking alcohol not only predates things such as literacy and nations, it may have been the thing that sparked the creation of civilization, if not humanity. People first domesticated grains not for making bread, but for making beer.


  1. Beer was safe to drink....water wasn't. Same same wine.


  2. To follow up on B's correct statement, in the US during the 19th Century, beer was often the preferred breakfast beverage. Half the world went to work with a buzz on.

    Crankily (maybe because I don't drink beer for breakfast),
    The New York Crank

  3. B, I know. As the article pointed out, the ethanol in beer and wine had some disinfecting properties.

    Wasn't it W.C. Fields who said: "I don't drink water. Fish fuck in water."

  4. I drink therefore I am ...

  5. I remember reading about this theory of civilization in an Anne Rice novel 20+ years ago. The thought fascinated me but I couldn't find any corroborating studies, it was pre-internet. It seems like a good bet given human nature that it's true.


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