Thursday, January 12, 2017

Shorter South Dakota Legislature: "Because Pressuring Young Interns into Having Sex is Fun!:

A legislative panel voted down a proposed rule change Wednesday that would have explicitly prevented them from engaging in sexual contact with legislative interns and pages.
Who would oppose such a thing? A REpublican representative named...
"I'm hesitant to pass something when we get into itemizing every potential wrongdoing that a legislator could commit, lest this become a criminal code rather than a code of ethics," Rep. David Lust, R-Rapid City, said.
You can't make this shit up. Rep. Lust, the Pro-Intern Sex Guy, is a real person.


  1. I'm sorry to say that I know this individual. He's a representative from my district - sorry to say, we're gerrymandered. He was appointed to fill the seat of the dead guy (who was elected after the ballots were finalized). In South Dakota, if you are a republican, you are fireproof -- so much for one-party rule -- get used to it 'Murica.
    Out here we have one area code, two timezones and one political party.
    I wonder if his sons or daughters will serve as pages ?

  2. We have one-party rule in the California SSR, too. Fireproof engenders stupid.

  3. Child molesters are child molesters.

  4. Well, the obvious answer is to have those nasty interns dressed modestly, so as not to engender lust in the public servants, perhaps a burqa? Have to be for both sexes, can't have those good Christian men being tempted by those homo-cooties either.


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