Friday, January 6, 2017

Only the Trumpanzees Were Ever Fooled By That Promise

Donald Trump's team and GOP House lawmakers are working on a plan to build the president-elect's proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border using American tax dollars, according to multiple reports.

CNN reported Thursday that Republican leaders hope to fund the wall project through the appropriations process as early as April, citing House GOP officials.
Trump now thinks that he can get Mexico to pay for the Great Wall of Trump, later. Which is about as likely to happen as Trump paying for those pianos.


  1. All the materials exist...all we have to do is collect them.

    See, On election night, 62 million liberal Hillary supporters shit a brick....

  2. See, to get the Republican congress to approve any spending on his walldoggle, he's gonna have to agree on the same dollar amount in cuts to the budget. That's how they roll. Us. That's how they roll us.

    -Doug in Oakland


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