Thursday, January 5, 2017

No Corruption or Cronyism Here, Right?

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R) — who was the subject of controversy during the 2016 presidential campaign for what some labeled as a quid pro quo deal with Donald Trump — is expected to join the Trump White House, according to a new report.

According to Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Jacobs, the president-elect's aides are working to finalize her role in the Trump administration.
You might recall that as Jacobs was deciding whether or not to bring criminal charges against Trump U., his foundation made a $25,000 campaign donation to Bondi. She declined to file charges.

Nothing improper there, right?


  1. Yep, it's grifters all the way down. You have to conclude that Americans-at least 49% of us-love corruption, entitled oligarchs, landlords, sadists, racists, misogynists, teevee game show hosts, bankrupt casino moguls, sexual predators and traitors. It ain't purty but that's who we are. So now we know.


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