Saturday, December 10, 2016

Yeh, Well, the Same Thing Happened to the Old Bolsheviks

Trump is shanking the people who got him to where he is now:
They’ve been with him from the beginning — when no one believed he could win, and when the Republican Party establishment wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

But now, as President-elect Donald Trump builds out his administration, the loyalists who helped launch his campaign and powered its stunning early victories are growing worried they won’t be getting plum jobs.

Many of them say they’ve heard nothing about their career prospects and, during furtive huddles, have been commiserating with one another about how they can’t seem to get their calls to top Trump transition brass returned. Some are convinced that party establishment figures who’ve taken the reins of the transition are giving them short shrift.
The writing was on the wall once Trump picked Reince Priebus as his chief of staff.

Anyone who had paid close attention to Trump's business career would have realized that he has no loyalty to anyone, other than possibly his children. But no, they all drank the bug juice and now they're learning about Trump the hard way.

Fuck them all.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad we all have to attend their lessons.

    -Doug in Oakland


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