Thursday, December 15, 2016

Such a Petty Little Man

Vanity Fair bashed the Trump Grill, saying that "it could be the worst restaurant in America."
Renowned butcher Pat LaFrieda once dared me to eat an eyeball that he himself popped out of the skull of a roasted pig. That eyeball tasted better than the Trump Grill’s (Grille’s) Gold Label Burger, a Pat LaFrieda–branded short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese. It came with overcooked woody batons called “fries”—how can someone mess up fries?—and ketchup masquerading as Heinz.
Trump, of course, can't let anyone get away with saying anything bad about him or his companies, so he had to fire back on Twitter.

Onions have thicker skins than Trump. It's going to be fun when he has DoJ attorneys and Federal cops at his beck-and-call.

(Now cue the Chorus of Trump Defenders)

Update: VF subs are on sale for $5 for a year.

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