Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Russian Fascists, Austrian Nazis and Donald Trump

On Monday, the leaders of Austria's far-right Freedom Party traveled to Moscow and signed a "working agreement" with Russia's ruling United Russia party. In announcing the pact, Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache mentioned that he also met with retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's designated national security adviser, in Trump Tower a few weeks ago.
As noted, the so-called "Freedom Party" was founded by Austrian Nazis after the war. That a senior Trump functionary is meeting with Austrian Nazis and getting into position to make kissy-face with Russia is rather interesting.

That low whirring sounds that can be heard in California and Wisconsin are Ronald Reagan and Joe McCarthy spinning in their graves.

1 comment:

  1. a lot of big corporations made a lot of money off the Nazi government, during WWII, so it's ok. and besides, they're republicans, they're expected to be scumbags, it's what they do.


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