Friday, December 30, 2016

Inauguration Day to Become Gay Marriage Day?

I know of at least two same-sex couples that are changing their wedding plans so that they get married on January 20th. They're doing it both because they are concerned that Trump will do something to repeal their right to marry and as a bit of a one-fingered salute to the new president.

It would be interesting if it became a widespread happening.

1 comment:

  1. Yannow, as a white tax paying male, raised in better times by better people, with traditional values, morals, and ethics - I get the middle finger from queers, militant atheists, liberal socialists and sexually disturbed pan sexual freak shows almost daily. Might a forgotten a few .... Oh yes! The feminists, the coloured race whores, the environmentalists...

    Unlike those snowflakes I am neither offended or threatened by it. How about you shit heads just consider Trump's election as a great, big, raised middle finger right back at ya?

    Fuck all y'all! :)


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