Saturday, December 3, 2016


Mama cat at a shelter and her kittens.

Adopt a rescued pet, if you can. They enrich your life.


  1. yes they do.
    we currently have 9, the most recent of whom was found on the side of route 680 at night. looked like he'd been hit a glancing blow by a car. took him to emergency, doc said he seemed alright.

    he is fitting in nicely but we take their introduction to the other cats slowly.
    lovely to have one or two curled around you as you read or sleep.
    very comforting to have your cat greet you after a hard day.
    purring is good for your health. relaxes the human and is a sign of cat's happiness.

    also have a rescue dog--very lovely he is.
    if you can afford it, a dog is also a pleasant addition to your household.

  2. I've had eight cats in my house over the years. Seven were ditch cougars or shelter refugees. They were good, loyal pets. The other one was born in a house in the suburbs, and he's an entitled jerk.


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