Monday, November 28, 2016

Warm Up the Needles

A white man accused of fatally shooting nine black parishioners at a Charleston church last year was allowed to act as his own attorney in his federal death penalty trial Monday.

[Asswipe's] request came against his lawyers' advice, and U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel said he would reluctantly accept the 22-year-old's "unwise" decision.
Asswipe is facing the Federal death penalty for hate crimes resulting in death and the state death penalty for multiple murders.

Seems to me that the taxpayers could save several million bucks by the prosecutors letting Asswipe plead out to multiple life terms and then wait for the somewhat inevitable shanking.


  1. He wouldn't get shanked, probably. He'd be the punk for his heroes in Aryan Brotherhood to use and pass along.

  2. This is 2016. We *sure* he's going to be convicted?

  3. Why do they sterilise the needles before giving fatal injections?

  4. "sterilise the needles"

    I'll take a stab at that.

    There was a fighter plane that developed a sudden, serious problem. The pilot ejected. The plane continued happily along without the pilot. The wingman could have shot down the rather dangerous object, but since it was flying over populated terrain, he chose not to. A pilotless craft crashes and that's just an accident. A plane crashes because it was shot, and that's on the shooting pilot's shoulders.

    Should a prisoner somehow survive the injection and develop an infection, that's the needler's responsibility. They were given the responsibility of killing the prisoner, not causing other bodily harm due to negligence or malpractice.


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