Thursday, November 3, 2016

Stephen Samuelovich Segalov

Actor Steven Seagal's love for martial arts just helped him become a Russian citizen.

The "Under Siege" star was awarded Russian citizenship on Thursday after spending years accompanying pal Vladimir Putin to martial arts events and publically praising his presidential policies.
Paving the way for The Donald, perhaps?

Не позволяйте экран дверь ударил Вас в жопу, Стиви!* Or... Не позволяйте двери экрана поразить Вас в осле, Стиви!**
* Which Google Translate thinks is correct.
** Which Prompt thinks is correct.


  1. 史蒂文·西加爾是一隻紙老虎

  2. Ha, ha. I had my native Ukrainian speaker wife (who has also studied Russian) take a look at these, and while she didn't know what some of the words were (Russian and Ukrainian share an alphabet and SOME words), I got from what she did translate what the idiom must have been. And I was right. Yay, Linda!

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  3. Putting the phrases back into their respective programs, Google gave the familiar farewell for folks like Steve. In Prompt it came back as:

    "Don't allow a door of the screen to strike you in a donkey, Stevie."

    Which might work if you are remaking "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming".

  4. Hmm, does this mean that if The Donald wins the election, we can expect Steven Seagal to become our next secretary of state?

    Just asking.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank


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