Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Selling Out, Mitt?

Mitt's expression seems to indicate that he didn't get a good price for his soul.

Trump, on the other hand, looks like a cat playing with a fresh mouse.

Here's another one, for your pirating pleasure:

It appears that Mitt forgot to bring it.

My guess is that, having publicly humiliated Mitt and destroying what's left of his reputation for integrity, Trump will curb-stomp Romney. And it would seem that Romney knows that will happen, for he looks about as happy as a man whose been told that he has stage 4 penile cancer.

(Romney's thinking: "I got more votes than this tool and I lost?"


  1. Bend the Knee and all will be forgiven Mitt.

  2. Not the way it works with Trump. He doesn't believe in either forgiveness or forgetting.


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