Monday, November 7, 2016

Dear "Fascist Bureau of (political) Interference":

Fuck you. 

Fuck Director James Comey and every previous director back to Jedgar himself. 

Fuck you, the horses you rode in on, and everybody who looks like you. 

Damn you all to hell for interfering in this election with your baseless innuendoes and insinuations. 

Your lack of respect for the Constitution and the electoral process will not be soon forgotten. 


  1. You forgot to say "And fuck the mothers who gave birth to you. Their labor was a wasted effort just as you are now. I'd add, "Fuck your father, too, but none of you have any way of knowing which one that was."

    I do love me a good mother joke.

  2. I like the insult that was used in "The 13th Warrior":

    "I, at least, know who my father is, you pig-eating son of a whore."

  3. --You bastard.
    --Yes, Sir. In my case an accident of birth. But you, Sir, you're a self-made man.

    The Professionals, 1966

  4. So what do we make of the fact that Comey just replaced the head of the NY field office? That's where the rot is deepest, right?

  5. I think pig eating whores' sons have more self-respect for themselves than the Trump team at the Fucking Ballbusting Imbeciles.


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