Sunday, October 9, 2016

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

First flight of a restored F-104:


  1. the old man would look at 104s and say 'just 'cause you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should do it'

  2. The plane that almost killed Chuck Yeager.

  3. Pretty lawn dart.

    The German joke about the F-104 was, "How do you get your hands on a Starfighter? Buy a field – and wait.”

  4. Robert Calvert made an album in 1974 called Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters, about the Germans buying F-104s and making fun of them for doing so. I always wondered whether he really meant the satire, and apparently he did.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. RF, that airplane was nowhere near the operational domain of the was fitted with a rocket engine and an RCS, and meant to go clean out of the atmosphere for astronaut training.

  6. Definition of an optimist: A Luftwaffe Starfighter pilot who quit smoking.

  7. Man, those J-79s were smoky. No point in stealth with those. And the F4 used TWO of them!

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired


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