Thursday, October 13, 2016

Pass the Popcorn; Trump's Reputation Dept.

The Donald had his pet lawyers demand that the NY Times retract its story about him groping women because it hurts his reputation.

The response was a mix of "your reputation can't be damaged worse than your own admissions have done" and "go fuck yourself, see ya in court."


  1. As for the popcorn, Kevin Drum ended a recent piece on the never-ending, every-further-exploding, sel-immolatiing DT with this sentence:
    "There is not enough popcorn in the world for this movie." :)

    Then Mr. LeBron nailed DT with the comment that what he said wasn't locker room talk, it was trash talk. True. Which maked DT rich white trash. :)

  2. Absent a win next month, I suspect that The Donald's downward trajectory has been charted. In five years or so, possibly less, he'll be worth less than 1% of his current net worth.

    All he is is his band, his mouth. The name "Trump" was synonymous with a rich lifestyle. But now, "Trump" is a brand that is tied to racism and the foulest sort of misogyny. No savvy investor will put a nickel into one of his projects.

    His house of cards is fraying.

  3. "His brand", not "band". Sheesh.


    A lot of scorched after this is over.


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