Tuesday, October 25, 2016

No, Darrell Issa is Not a Whore

It defames whores to be equated to Rep. Issa. Issa recently sent out a campaign mailer touting that he's worked with President Obama on legislation.

Give me a fucking break.

When the GOP took control of Congress, Issa was drooling at the mouth in anticipation of having the power to begin investigations and issue subpoenas. And so he, did, one after another. It was nothing more than pure political harassment and witch-hunting, for, in the six years that Mr. Issa, a cold mockery of a human being, has been conducting his so-called "investigations", he has not laid a single glove on the President or his administration.

Issa is a walking, talking example of a partisan hack. And for him to now try to tie himself, even in a small way, to President Obama, shows that he has not a shred of honor.

When he passes by, people should spit on his path. He should be shunned as though he has a loathsome disease. "You are as honorable as Darrell Issa" should be legally recognized as fighting words. Hardware stores in California should name their tool bins after Issa.


  1. Your opinion of Issa is a little higher than mine.


  2. I am a lifelong California Democrat. Guys like Issa drive me nuts. The way districts are set up here in rural Ca., is to only benefit the rethugs. From farther North near Eureka and back down to at least the Sacramento east foothills, sometimes there isn't even a democratic opponent?? I mean what? No democrat even runs for these posts?
    I want to vote out all the old boy rethugs that represent rural Ca, but we seem to need a rewrite of the districts to even get a 'race'.
    Issa would be a great start, but he's not the only turd that needs to be flushed.

  3. He might lose. That's why he was weaseling around this time. And don't forget that he was responsible for a huge fraction of those obnoxious car alarms.

    -Doug in Oakland


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