Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Do Stupid Things, Win Stupid Prizes; Clown Edition

A teenager’s attempt to frighten a group of young people by wearing a clown mask and brandishing a hammer on a Berlin street has turned out very badly, according to German police.

Berlin police said on Tuesday that a 14-year-old responded by pulling a knife and stabbing the clown, only to find that the clown was a 16-year-old acquaintance.
ACHTUNG IDIOTS: Threatening people with dangerous implements (or weapons) is never a good idea. When you dress up in a costume and then do it, you are asking for your name to be splashed across the Intertubes, for anyone to find.

So don't do stupid shit. And if you can't resist doing stupid shit that will get your dumb ass spread around the world, at least have the good sense to drag your ass down to your local courthouse and get your name changed to "John Smith" or "Jane Brown" as a way to at least minimally Google-proof your stupid ass.

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