Friday, October 14, 2016

Dear Defendants

When a judge explains to you, at the start of a hearing, that (a) you have a right to have an attorney; (b) if you cannot afford one, that one will be appointed to represent you at no cost to you; and (c) the hearing will be postponed until that attorney is brought into the case, well, that is what we call a big-ass, fireworks-shooting, horn-blaring, motherfucking, Captain-Obvious level clue.

And yet.... sigh.


  1. Did I miss something recently?

  2. Wow... One would think...

  3. 3383, no, nothing from the news.

  4. Yep, one would think they might catch on, considering most judges are rather transparent in suggesting they say yes they want a lawyer.

    But I do hate that when I'm on the other side and they have no decent defense, the judge gives them an out to delay the matter by having them ask to get an atotnrey, they say yes they want an attorney, the judge adjourns the hearing and 30 days later they're back again with no attorney...

  5. I sometimes get a little annoyed at spending an hour or more in a hearing that should have taken fifteen minutes because of a pro se party who is borderline crazy.

    But I console myself with winning the day.


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