Thursday, September 15, 2016

They're Smarter in Ted Cruz's Motherland

The Canadian government has quietly approved new drug regulations that will permit doctors to prescribe pharmaceutical-grade heroin to treat severe addicts who have not responded to more conventional approaches.
Not exactly full legalization, but it's a step.

It sure is better than the head-in-the-sand approach that our government is taking. Abstinence-based education has been a fool's game for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. I never used or wanted any heroin, but I've known quite a few who have. A surprising number of them were able to hold down jobs, even somewhat stressful medium-to-high pressure jobs. Also, the ones I know who crashed and burned on it (besides two who ODed) all had mostly money related problems. With a script for their daily dose, they would have had (and caused) far fewer problems.
    I can't imagine the cost of the heroin would even approach the damage caused by the addicts trying to get money for it.

    -Doug in Oakland


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