Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Pithy Comment to the Retail Geniuses Who Think It is a Good Idea to Rearrange Where Stuff is Stocked in Your Stores

Go fuck yourselves. May you ultimately die in a crotch fire.

See, there you are, before work on your lunch hour. You go to the store to buy a few things, figuring it'll be a quick in-and-out because you're tight for time. But you get into the store and you can't find the shit you need because some marketing retar genius has moved everything around.

Their idea, of course, is that by making you tramp around the store, they'll "expose" you to other merchandise and maybe you'll buy something else, too.

Sadly, no. You'll just get what you need and you'll leave the store, seething because it took you five additional minutes to find the stuff you went there for, and possibly you had to track down one of the "associates" to direct you to the stuff they so helpfully relocated.

And so, later than you planned, you leave the store, angry as fuck, and wishing that you could stick the marketing guys' heads on pikes outside of corporate as a lesson to No Longer Fuck With People.

But only Vir Cotto got a wish like that granted.


  1. Vir... his last satisfying experience for quite a while.

  2. I didn't watch the last season.

  3. Remember, all the "Healthy" stuff is around the perimiter of the store.

  4. Preach it, sister....

  5. To spoil the last season and some of what's beyond, from Vir's perspective:

    Londo becomes emperor, gets a malevolent parasite attached to him that controls his actions. Its motive is to punish and ruin the empire.

    Vir tries to ameliorate the damage.

    Londo fulfills his death dream, which is not the culmination of animosity between him and G'kar that you always thought it was... it was a successful assassination of his parasite and the salvation of his people.

    Vir becomes emperor, and gradually straightens out his people.

    Cheerful Vir is among the small group that gather to celebrate Sheridan's life, just before his end.


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