Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Asshat Twins: Pharma Bro and Pharma Sis

I love how the male asshat compares lifesaving meds to an iPhone and "who cares if it costs so much, insurance covers it" and the female asshat, who is evidently frustrated that people around the land are calling her and her minions out for price-gouging.

And Big Pharma, when that day comes, you will have nobody to blame but yourselves.*
* Trump fans, I haven't forgotten about your boy. I'll get back to roasting his ass, soon enough.


  1. Anyone else who watches too much Archer will agree that the tagline should be
    "Because that's how you get price controls on medicines".

    Profit motive is a significant part of advances in medicine. Patents are supposed to expire, so some complicated chicanery appears to be happening.


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