Monday, August 29, 2016

Stupid, Stupid Monkey; Weiner Edition

On Sunday night, the New York Post reported that Weiner had recently been sexting with a woman who is not his wife. Making the story even more cringe-worthy, the New York Post reports that Weiner sent a suggestive photo of himself while his toddler son was in the bed next to him.
His only defense seems to be: "Hey, them guys iz woise!":
"There’s no doubt that the Trump phenomenon has led a lot of people to say to me, 'Boy, compared to inviting the Russians to come hack someone’s email, your thing seems almost quaint.' "
Man, even Bernie Madoff didn't try telling the judge: "Hey, gimme a break, at least I didn't whack anybody!"

At this point, after being repeatedly caught doing the same shit, one has to wonder if Weiner isn't quite right in the head. Doesn't he understand that there is no such thing as a "private conversation" by electronic means? Somebody had to share those "sexts" with others, in order for all of this to leak out.


UPDATE: His wife, Huma Abedin, has had enough of his shit.


  1. Somebody, posting a comment to the Crooks and Liars Website, made a comment that makes this whole thing worthwhile:

    "The fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive should put to rest any notion that the Clintons actually have people killed."

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. ...and Limbaugh kept it classy as usual.

  3. Deadstick, I would expect nothing less.


  4. "Your thing seems almost quaint."

    Why, yes, it does.

  5. Like Jon Stewart said in his Rob Ford video "Somewhere in a basement Anthony Weiner through his tears is saying what the fuck?"
    Dude, get help.

    -Doug in Oakland


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