Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Remember When the Republicans Lambasted Bill Clinton for Being a "Draft Dodger"?

Bet they won't have shit to say about The Donald's five deferments. Just as they said nothing about Romney's or Cheney or Ashcroft or Quayle or Dubya or Limbaugh not going to fight.

Other than the points that (a) Trump can't keep his story straight as to why he wasn't drafted and (b) GOP hypocrisy, the "he didn't serve in Vietnam" is sort of a bogus charge. If you were alive and sentient at the time, you might recall that draft dodging was a very common endeavor, especially among middle-class and upper-class white boys.

Still, they all seem to become chickenhawks in the end.

Even if it was common as all fuck, Trump sort of stands out, though, as somebody who both dodged the draft and then didn't feel an ounce of guilt or remorse at the fact that somebody else had to go and fight in his stead. Because the meatgrinder that was the Vietnam War was always kept supplied with fresh cannon fodder.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of draft dodgers: http://idlehandsdept.blogspot.com/2016/08/sacrifice-div-recognition-subsection.html


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