Monday, August 29, 2016

Greed and Pharmacology

Whether it is bribes to pharmacy benefit managers (or extortion by them) or greedy pharma companies, the price of insulin is skyrocketing.

Some of this shit reminds me of a story Bill Mauldin told about when the Army in 1943 sent over supplies of cold-weather clothing and boots for the front-line soldiers in the Italian campaign. By the time the REMFs and the garritroopers helped themselves, there wasn't enough to go around for the GIs on the front lines.

The insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies are leeches. And since they all have the very best congressmen that their money can buy, fat chance anything will be fixed.


1 comment:

  1. Bonus greedy fucks note, expect the $300 generic two-pack of Epi-pens to cost more to patients. The generic is unlikely to offer coupons, however many healthcare plans will require their customers to use the generic, because it costs the plans less, even as the consumers play more.


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