Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Did Donald Trump Run a Sweatshop Employing Illegal and Underage Immigrants?

That would seem to be the allegations surrounding some sketchy operation known as Trump Model Management. The like slumlord that he stated out as, Trump had no problems with charging extortion-level rents to young girls who had not alternatives.

But hey, don't worry. The Trumpanzees won't give a shit.


  1. See, I went there looking for reality....

    The first Paragraph says he"pledged to deport them en masse, and vowed to build a wall on the Mexican border. At one point he demanded a ban on Muslims entering the country.".

    Both of which are lies....or at least half truths. But I bet it plays well to the haters and the folks who have already made up their mind.

    After that, I stopped reading.

    I mean, if they are gonna lie in the first paragraph.....

  2. B: Why don't you admit that you just don't want to read it? Not only did he say those things, he said them again tonight, in a futile bid to resurrect the know-nothing party.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. So B., when you say both of which are lies about three statements, which are you accepting? And if you really believe what you just said, perhaps you should consult with a neurologist, or at least question your source of news...because all three statements are directly from Trump's speeches this year.

  4. You folks should research the statenmts he made, not what your biased news reported.

    There is a difference.

    But don't let the truth (not what the MSM reports) dissuade you.


    Why should I read something that lies in the first paragraph? (I expected a biased article, as Mother Jones isn't known for it's impartiality).

    And while Trump isn't a great human being, Hillary is worse.

    And that is the problem. We are left with a choice...A bad candidate, or a worse one to be the leader of the country. Both suck.


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