Saturday, July 23, 2016

While Everyone is All-a-Twitter About the Mass Shooting in Germany

80 people were killed by two suicide bombers in Kabul, in an attack so horrific that even the Taliban condemned it.

You can posit your own reasons why some punk-ass kid shooting nine people in Munich is more newsworthy than is 80 people being blown to smithereens in Kabul.


  1. Kabul is the headline on the CNN site right now, with Munich in the subsidiary links. I'd say it's just the news cycle.

  2. I'd posit a reason, but it sounds better in the original German.

  3. I know your point is that the German victims are white Christians and the Kabul victims are brown Muslims, but another factor is that while bombings are indiscriminate in their victims, the Munich killer apparently specifically targeted children. That makes any atrocity more newsworthy.

  4. 1) More witnesses, with access to media, and video.
    2) An evil firearm was used.

  5. I found both acts to be a taking of human life, randomly and without real purpose except self-gratification.

    I condemn all of those involved in the killings.

  6. When you go to a cemetery, do you stop at every grave to mourn everybody who ever died, or do your head over to the graves of the people you knew? If the latter, then what's with this primitive finger-wagging at people who do exactly the same?

  7. The odds are vanishingly small that any of the editors of the NY Times, the Washington Post or any other editor of any English-language news orgainization knew any of the victims in the Munich shootings. The chances of any of them having lived in Munich are only slightly less better.

    Without a personal connection, then it's not "people you knew", it's racism.


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