Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Inevitable Editorial Cartoon, plus More

I haven't seen this yet: The cartoon would of one of those Russian nesting dolls ( a matryoshka doll). The outer doll would be Donald Trump; the cartoon would show a hand lifting the top of the outer doll to show that the inner doll is Vladimir Putin.


Sumdood is going to skydive from 25,000' into a net, without a parachute.

Right. A skydiver reaches terminal velocity in less than 2,000'. But there wouldn't b much drama in that, I suppose. Or much margin for error, in case he jumped a second or two out of time.

Still, while it may be the first time that somebody willingly jumped out of an airplane without a parachute, it won't be the first time that someone fell from an airplane without a parachute and survived.

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid, there was a genuine French aristocrat family friend, one Willy Walsh, who:
    = as a kid, had a friend who got a Bleriot monoplane as a birthday present. While they were waiting a week for the aviator to appear that would give them flying lessons, the gang took turns taxiing the Bleriot around the runway designated pasture. Inevitably, one of them, Willy, got going too fast and ended up in the air and had to learn to fly all on his own.
    = in the French air force, he was shot down in flames in the middle of the winter over a forest. He jumped from the plane, fell through a pine tree and landed in a snow bank...with his back rather worse for wear.


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