Friday, July 15, 2016

Newtie Gets Fitted for a Custom Pair of Jackboots

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Thursday called for the U.S. to test every person with a Muslim background to see if they believe in Sharia law, and deport those who do.
Well, if we're also going to test every Christian and deport those who believe that Biblical law is superior to the Constitution and the U.S. Code, then fine, let's do it.

The first guys marched onto the deportation ships will be Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, plus that jerkoff of a judge on the Alabama Supreme Court.

So, Gingrich wants to give people a religious test, whether or not they are naturally-born citizens, with no regard to how many generations that their family has been here, and then strip citizenship from those who don't pass his test.

Let me think a minute. Who was the last guy who did that?

Oh, yeah... This guy:


  1. And it didn't even work: Trump picked Pence.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. It is the right thing to do, send all of them back!!!!!!!!

  3. Where would you send the Christians? England? They don't want reprobate immigrants.

  4. Doug, I'll give as much thought and concern as to who will take the expellees as did Newtie.

    Just as they did when they came here, they can go find a place somewhere and fight the locals for it.


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