Friday, July 29, 2016

Mike Pence Needs a Brain Transplant

For the wooden one that he has is filled with dry rot.
On Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention, President Obama referred to Donald Trump as a “homegrown demagogue.” On Friday, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, argued that this display of discourtesy was beneath the hallowed office that Obama holds.

“I don’t think name-calling has any place in public life, and I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use a term like that,” Pence told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Friday.
Reall, Mikey? You said that with a straight face? For the love of Your Dear and Fluffy Lord, your running made is Donald the Insult Candidate. He does little else other than hurl insults and threaten to punch out those who speak ill of him.

Trump is a thin-skinned little bully and Pence is a walking, talking version of the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz.

Racist Donald and Brainless Mike-- a match made in Hell.


  1. Hasn't anyone asked twppence to piss in a cup ?? He must be either on drugs or merely viv=siting from a separate reality.

  2. Actually, the Scarecrow HAD a brain... he just lacked the realization he did.

    Pence doesn't even have that excuse. He's signed on for a trainwreck and now he's got to explain away every insult his boss throws out there. If he had a brain Pence wouldn't have accepted the offer...


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