Saturday, July 9, 2016

Caturday; Settling In

Chip checks out the cat bed.

When he's sleeping, he goes to Jake's hidey-hole under the bed. I expect he'll eventually settle in and sleep on furniture.

George, Gracie and Jake were all contemporaries, so it's been a very long time since I had a young and agile cat. George was fairly agile, up until his end. The other day, I found Chip on top of the kitchen cabinets. I raised my voice and he quickly got down. Whether he knows that he's not supposed to be up there or that he's not supposed to be up there when I'm at home and awake remains to be seen.

George had the attitude of "your food is my food", which Chip seems to share. Chip was annoying me as I made lunch the other day, so I gave him a piece of red-leaf lettuce. He took an energetic bite of it, then realized that lettuce wasn't something that he wanted to eat.

When he wants attention, he literally gets in my face for it. He's a cuddler.

My vet said he's healthy.


  1. All will settle down when he finishes breaking you in...

  2. Always nice to have a cuddly cat...looks like he might be that way. Looks like a slightly lighter version of our mutt...healthy as a horse.

  3. That is one fine looking cat. That is all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. We always tried to handle our kittens everyday. Mostly to pick them up and pet them. It seems to help with their intellectual and emotional development.


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