Monday, May 16, 2016

Time Passes

It's been a month and a half since Jake went over the Bridge.

Last week, I had left the bedclothes rumpled. When I returned after work, the rumple looked as things would have looked if Jake had wormed his way under them for a nap. That memory brought a smile, not tears.

Sure, the tears can come. The other day, I was going back through my FB posts; the one for Jake's passing got a lot of comments. Reading them made my throat clog up. But I almost have to go out of my way, now, to do that. And hell, I can do that with the other pets I've had if I dwell on their memories. Especially the dog that I had growing up and she's been gone for decades.

But I digress.

All this is a rather long preamble into saying that it'll soon be time to start looking for a cat.

I do have a bit of a trip planned. It probably would not be a wise thing to bring a cat home and then leave it to the pet-sitter to visit for that time.

After that, though......


  1. Good Luck to you in your search for your new bestest friend! Remember: you can choose the dog, but the cat chooses you!

  2. Does the pain ever really leave? It fades....

  3. B, it fades. It scabs over. But it's always there. The trick is to avoid going there very often.


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