Friday, May 20, 2016

Hey, Mal, I've Got the Whistle-Stop Flag Out!

Mind stopping by for a passenger?

I'll happily clean parts in the engine room for Kaylee. I'll even bring her some fresh batteries.

And I can shoot better than about half of your loadout.


  1. I'd clean Kaylee....

    But seriously, I'm in agreement with you.

    And I prolly can outshoot you.....

  2. I saw Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin, Nathan Fillion, and Alan Tudyk live at DragonCon years back. It was funny how opposite Jewel was to her character. In real life, she's a potty-mouthed prankster who got a 5000 person crowd to flip off Fillion for a laugh. And, oh yes, she's hot....


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