Monday, April 25, 2016

Sorry, Goose, but It's Time to Strafe the Tower

A Norwegian fighter jet on a training exercise jet mistakenly machine-gunned a control tower with three officers inside, who survived unhurt, the military said Sunday.
To be fair, the tower in question seems to be a range-observation tower, not an airfield control tower. It's not as though the pilot was shooting up his home field.

One "you dumb shit" wipes out a thousand "attaboys".


  1. To be fair though, General Aviation in this country is rife with controllers who make suck a "mistake" sound tempting if not downright appealing with the way that they talk to transient pilots who dare ask for clarification when given approach instructions that don't seem appropriate. (Yeah, KHLG...looking at YOU GUYS here!)

  2. Ok Murphy, how many times have visited the facilities you so blithely bitch about?

  3. Twice, actually. First time, I caught a rash of shit for questioning some approach instructions. Second time, they were dogging someone else out on Ground for getting the readback of taxi instructions wrong. I was reminded of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld and decided to just stay out of their Delta space get my 100LL somewhere else after that.

  4. CP88 meant to ask "How many times have you ever been inside an ATC facility?" Taken a tour, schedule a visit? It may temper your one-sided view of air traffic control.

    Dale (ATCS 26 yrs., ret.)

  5. Oh I've seen what they do, and spent some time watching at a couple of different airports. Not a job I'd care to do, but still, you can do it without being a douche about it. If I ask for a repeat or a clarification, it's because I want to be sure I know what you want me to do. You have to admit that's preferable to me just doing something half-assed because that's what I kinda thought I heard. (" Huh. Did he say come straight in? Doesn't make much sense with that Fed-Ex Heavy already on final, but I don't want to bother them by asking again, so..."

  6. Murphy, drag on into a facility and open your eyes.


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