Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It's Mississippi, Whaddya Want? Fuhgeaboudit.

Mississippi's governor signed a law on Tuesday that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples based on the employers' religious beliefs.
Really. Does anyone not expect Mississippi to act in the most hateful, discriminatory way that they can? It's their goddamn heritage to say "I'm better than you and I'm gonna write a law allowing me to grind the hell of my boot into your face."

"Good" Christians have used religious arguments in the past to justify segregation, so this is really just the same-old, same-old shit.

So if the people of Mississippi want to be known as "The State Where We Don't Serve Your Kind", about the best thing to do is avoid the fucking place altogether, both physically and economically.

Jobs can go elsewhere, as North Carolina is finding out.


  1. Lets see...$3.5 million center, call that about a cool mil or two in local spending and activity...400 jobs at a conservative 25k per, another 10 million a year...usual knock-on benefits of that money circulating are about 2.5 to 1...

    Summary, a net loss of $1-2 million upfront and $10 million for the first year, $10 million a year after that, net economic benefit loss about $25 million a year to the area. All that to show your supporters you ARE a narrow-minded bigot, cheap at any price.

  2. CCSF cancelled everyone's travel to an April conference in NC over this. Georgia might be on the blacklist, too.

  3. It amazes me how many people are controlled by ignorant fear in this, our 21rst Century of existence.
    I grew up looking at people with that kind of hate, as throwbacks to an earlier age, or at least mentally ill. But, here it is, 50 or 60 years later and they still hate as much or even more than ever.
    'Retard' is derogatory for a handicapped person but are these haters not Retarded?
    So intent on their hate that they will cut their own income off to placate themselves.
    Especially in a place like Mississippi that is so broke to begin with. You'd think that at least the capitalist motto would be more important but not even that can modify their hate.
    How ungodly can christianist people be? I think they are going for the bottom of the human barrel on purpose.


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