Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Who the Chinese and the Russians are Rooting For

Donald Trump. He's said that he's in favor of pulling back from Asia and NATO. Read the transcript, if you can stomach it.*

Predictably, the Aussies are appalled. The Euros have other things on their minds today, but when the scope of the Trump Doctrine sinks in, I expect they'll be similarly appalled.
* He spent a lot of time talking about the size of his hands, to the point that the editor running the meeting had to say "let's move on." Just fucking strange.


  1. The hands thing wounded him deeply, as it would, considering he's a pathological narcissist.

  2. The most astonishing thing to me was this exchange:
    RYAN: This is about ISIS. You would not use a tactical nuclear weapon against ISIS?
    TRUMP: I’ll tell you one thing, this is a very good looking group of people here. Could I just go around so I know who the hell I’m talking to?

    That question was so stupid, I would have been speechless. Trump answered it perfectly. This concludes my positive statements about Trump for the current electoral cycle.


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