Thursday, March 3, 2016

Well, Maybe #NeverTrump Has an Outside Chance

According to the AP, The Donald's percentage of delegates isn't going to do it for him, if he keeps winning at the current rate.
While Trump has racked up 10 wins so far, he's won only 46 percent of the delegates awarded since voting began. It takes an outright majority of delegates to win the nomination.
If the Rubot and the Canadien Usurper don't unite,* then unless Trump steps up his game and wins majorities from here on out, it'll be a brokered convention. For after the first vote, all bets are off.
* Fat chance of that happening.


  1. I'm not sure who benefits from this, but from now on the GOP primaries are winner take all.

  2. How many are open (anyone can vote) or closed (only registered Republicans can vote)?

  3. The overall demographics of the upcoming Republican primaries do suggest that tRump could win on the first ballot, but it's gonna be a squeaker.

  4. It is going to be interesting to see the gop use their bag of dirty tricks to stop their own candidate.
    Every one talks about how Cruz is unlikable but that also now applies to tRump at least from the parties perspective.
    "pass the popcorn"

  5. Michigan, Mississippi, Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana are open primaries. There are a couple that are proportional. California is closed. I need to start the popcorn.


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