Friday, March 11, 2016

Shorter Trump: "Brown Shirts Wanted. Apply at Any Trump Rally."

The Donald is putting on his brown shirt, all right. He's stated, more than once, that he is in favor of his supporters beating up those who protest at Herr Trump's rallies.

Calling for violence against those who disagree with him is not exactly what one would expect from anyone who has ever glanced at the Constitution.

Never say "it can't happen here". For the indications are that it sure as fuck is about to.


  1. When Der Trumpenfuehrer passes out the brown shirts to his StormTrumpers, will he have the Made In China labels removed first?

  2. The really interesting but will be if tRump loses, the R nomination or the election. His supporters behavior at this point suggests that they will not go quietly into that good night.

  3. His supporters behavior at this point suggests that they will not go quietly into that good night.

    By commuting the sentences of a lot of low-level drug criminals, we're freeing up a lot of a prison beds.

    Good thing, we're gonna need them.

  4. ANd the Democrats demonstrated why in Chicago, didn't they?

    THe bad behavior leads to more. The DNC started it in the 60's and 70's (and promoted it), and now the RNC and it's people have taken it up.

    Neither side is covering itself in glory.

    Once the gloves come off....


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