Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Not Dead Yet; "Feel the Bern" Edition

Bernie Sanders pulled off his biggest win of the Democratic presidential race on Tuesday, defeating Hillary Clinton in the Michigan primary on a night which also confirmed strong anti-establishment support for Donald Trump in the battle for the Republican nomination.

In an industrial state hit hard by the decline of manufacturing, the Vermont senator’s consistent opposition to free trade deals appears to have been a decisive factor, but he also showed signs of weakening Clinton’s dominance among African American voters.

The shock victory – 49.9%-48.2% with 99.3% reporting – comes despite Sanders trailing the former secretary of state by an average of 21 points in recent opinion polling.
The Clintonistas have been all over every form of media (mass, social, bathroom walls in truck stops), proclaiming that the nomination contest is effectively over and the Democrats need to get behind her as the winner.

Meanwhile, Clinton continues to win states that she'd never win in the general election. Which should mean something, but really doesn't.

As for the GOP, the Batshit-Crazy New Yorker keeps mostly beating the Batshit-Crazy Cuban-Canadian.

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