Monday, February 8, 2016

Dear Apple: Toljaso, I Did!

Apple is facing the possibility of class-action lawsuits in the US and possible criminal charges in the UK.

Toljaso. And there is nothing like some bad press to convince corporations to backwater.

Sue the pants off of those fuckers, boys and girls!

1 comment:

  1. Apple bricks phones if you replace the fingerprint sensor with a simple home button (which is what independent repair shops do if your fingerprint sensor gets broken because you dropped the phone, because the fingerprint sensor isn't available outside of Apple Stores). Meanwhile, Samsung phones don't appear to be repairable at all, they create new models every year and discontinue support for the old ones at the end of that year, so if you drop the phone and break it after a year, the only way to "fix" it is to buy the new model phone.

    Nice duopoly we have here. Be a shame if something happened to it.


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