Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Latest Palindrone

So Palin's kid got drunk, punched out his girlfriend, waved around an AR-15 and has been charged with domestic assault, among other things.

Of course, Caribou Barbie blamed Obama. Because everything bad that happens to Palin or her clan is Obama's fault.

You just can't make this shit up, Gentle Reader. Nobody would believe if this was fictional.


  1. True THAT!!
    You can't make this s**t up ...and THESE rubes BELIEVE it!
    And ACT as if it is true!
    Is there a name for this particular form of mass delusion?
    Besides ...batsh*t crazy.

  2. Some veteran groups are giving her the holy hell she deserves...they're damn sick and tired of being painted as walking time bombs.

  3. My own fight with the VA over my benefits is approaching 12 years. Who do I blame?

    Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter.

    I only went back that far because Carter Was Prez when I was discharged. I do have to lay a little blame on my recruiter, he did tell me that if something happened, they would take care of me.


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