Saturday, January 16, 2016

Be Prepared to Embrace the Suck; Revolver Ed.

Kimber is fixing to announce their first revolver.

Of course, they had to come up with a cutesy name for it so they could trademark it.

What I know of the company is that they've earned a reputation for better at marketing than they are at making.

Kimber warrants their guns for one year. On the other hand, Smith & Wesson has a lifetime warranty. So does Armscor/Rock Island, Charter Arms, Colt and Springfield. That suggests something to me about how well the various manufacturers regard their products.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about firearms, but the Kimber page you linked to just screams, "We suck!" I especially like how they put "revolutionary" in quotes. Oh, how edgy!


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