Tuesday, January 26, 2016

About Frelling Time, Oregon Edition

Ammon and Ryan Bundy, the brothers leading anti-government protesters occupying Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, and three other people were arrested Tuesday in a confrontation with authorities, the FBI said. One person was dead, the FBI said.

Shots were fired about 4:25 p.m. (7:25 ET) when the FBI and Oregon State Police began an "enforcement action" at the wildlife refuge, the FBI said. It didn't identify the victim.
Except for the part about somebody getting shot.

CNN (Our Motto: "Air First, Fact-Check Later") is saying that it happened at a "traffic stop".

Most thugs who hole up somewhere then don't go gallivanting around town.

More later, obviously, as this is what they call a "developing story".


  1. Their fake Marine bodyguard Brian Cavalier, recently arrested in Arizona, was back with them, too.

  2. Hey eb, you're the lawyer here...do the Bundys get to go down for felony manslaughter now, since the death was their fault?

  3. Deadstick, maybe. Depends on what the underlying offenses are for Oregon.

    But it'd be felony murder, not manslaughter.

  4. I'm hopeful the stop was carefully videoed from several angles by a number of parties. And that said videos will be released after Vanilla ISIS has firmly established their version of events. It just seems like too easy a way to get them to discredit themselves, but I fully expect them to fall for it.


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