Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"Welcome to the Party, Pal"; NYT Edition

The New York Times editorial board is calling for the prosecution of American torturers and their bosses.


That torture was authorized by our government and perpetrated by government actors has been known for more than a decade, but only now, with the prospect that the GOP won't win the White House for at least another eight years, do those fuckers get around to denouncing torture.

What the fuck? Did it not occur to those jerkoffs on the editorial board that the soldiers at Abu Ghraib weren't copying off what they had seen done by working torturers? Have they not paid any attention to the sheer weight of documentation that torture was authorized at the highest level? For it was clear to even the most casual of observers that torture was being employed in our name.

Real journalists, not those half-potted editorialists, did hard and honest work exposing the lies of the Bush Administration. The "Torture Memos" have been public knowledge for nearly a dozen years. It's been known for a long time that top-level discussions about torture techniques took place in the White House. Attorney General John Ashcroft said: "Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly."

Has it really taken this long for the Times to comprehend that Ashcroft wasn't talking about place-settings for a state dinner?

Color me "completely unimpressed" with the editorial bravery of the New York Times. But hey, should we have expected anything less from the Paper of Record for Warmongerers? (Never let it be forgotten that the Times functioned as the useful idiots of the Iraq War Lobby.)

Morons, all of them. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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