Thursday, November 19, 2015

If You're Going to Plan a Terrorist Attack.....

.... you might want to get the hell outta Dodge before it goes down. Otherwise, your longevity isn't going to be much more than that of a mayfly.
The suspected Islamic State mastermind of the Paris attacks was among those killed in a police raid north of the capital, France confirmed on Thursday, bringing an end to the hunt for Europe's most wanted man.

Authorities said they had identified the corpse of Belgian national Abdelhamid Abaaoud from fingerprints in the aftermath of Wednesday's raid, in which at least two people died including a female suicide bomber after a gun battle with police.
He had to be operating on some terrorist-grade derp to think that he could stay in the area and not be found by les flics.


  1. Maybe not such an easy choice...moving covertly to the nearest friendly border would be a challenge.

  2. I'll go with President Obama's analysis, that the kind of terrorists we're dealing with "don't mind being killed."

    On the other hand, I wonder if they wonder what kind of fun you can have with 72 virgins if your private parts get shot off. Or exploded off.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank

  3. What do you offer a woman to be a suicide bomber? Muslim paradise is probably worse than life, for women.


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