Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Diaper Dave" is Done

Sen. David Vitter lost his bid to replace "Volcano Bobby" Jindal as the governor of Louisiana. And, in a little bit of pique, he announced that he'll not run again for his Senate job.


  1. I was sure he would win, in spite of his transgressions, just due to having a (R) next to his name on the ballot. Edwards is a conservadem, but at least 225,000 more people will have insurance when he takes office. That is a lot of 'healing the sick' type action those 'christian' (R)'s hate...

  2. Maybe they should try and join the WWE. What a pair of names Diaper Dave and Volcano Bobby. They would need masks of course.

  3. Mike, I'd pay to watch that match!


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