Friday, November 13, 2015

Bake Sales for Bombers, the Conservative Ideal?

Cruz, and other GOPers, want to abolish the IRS. Which they've pretty much done, given that you're almost as likely to be struck by lightning as you are to be audited.

For the sake of argument, assume that the Canadien Usurper and other do shutter the IRS. Who will collect taxes? Who will enforce the requirement to pay taxes?

If the Feds sent you a letter that says: "Dear Citizen, please voluntarily send us 25% of what you made last year."-- what would you do?

If taxes become voluntary, will the Feds have to hold fundraisers? Will a future president have to tell our Asian allies "We're sorry that the Chinese have attacked, but we didn't get enough response to our B-2 Operational Fund fundraisers. You're on your own."?

Abolishing the IRS is a Wingnut fantasy. Clowns like Cruz, who is definitely smart enough to know that (even if he can't count to five), should be flogged through the streets for promising to abolish the IRS.


  1. Big photo....abolish IRS, and transfer responsibility to DHS. Now the storm troopers Obama recruited to grab your guns can kick down your door to grab your money instead.

  2. For better or worse, the one defining thing about government, is that it collects money from the citizens. It's job #1, and all the rest falls far behind, in importance.

    Failing in that, it is no longer a government, or indeed a country.

  3. Me I thought it was to protect the citizens from outside attack.
    To do so it collects taxes to fund that as needed.
    As a side effect of doing so it must build infrastructure to support
    both the collection and its application.

    In the end taxes are a fact. Even the Romans knew that.

    What is arguable is do we need such a complicated system of law, rules,
    exemptions to collect that which is due.

  4. Article 1, Section 8 outlines what Congress can do. First power is to levy and collect taxes.

  5. This is what they do to us. I've found myself cheerleading for the god damn IRS several times in the last year...

    -Doug in Oakland


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