Friday, September 11, 2015

Had to Leave This Book at Home

The Martian.

I'm about 30 pages into it and, in my earlier days, I would have stayed up into the wee hours to finish it.*
* I've done that before. When I was in college, on a quiet Friday night, I was browsing the stacks of the library. I checked out a 19th Century edition of The Three Musketeers and took it back to my dorm room. I thought I'd read a chapter or two before going to sleep.

Next think I knew, I had finished the book and it was 0530.


  1. I had that problem with the Spenser novels. Can't describe them as fine literature, but I learned that once I started one, I would have to finish it in one sitting.

    I'll have to get The Martian.

  2. I did that one forty years ago with Jack of Shadows. I hadn't smoked anything, nobody saw me, and you can't prove a thing.

  3. Good old Shadow Jack, eh? An engrossing read, with an interesting world concept. I to have on more than a few occasions spent the night reading rather than sleeping. It's remarkable how the wave of sleepiness rushes over you as you finish the book...along with a wave of regret...with the inevitable call to report you are sick and cannot work.

  4. I've stayed up too many times after saying to myself "just one more chapter'. Having an e-reader and overdrive installed doesn't help. Finish book one, log in to the library and grab book two...

  5. The Martian is an excellent read. I was up all night reading as well. I'm pretty excited about the movie but then tito neve as good as the book. Being an ex engineer I was fascinated by the detail of this novel yet it was still fast moving.

  6. Sorry about the auto correct failings of my samsung

  7. Excellent book. An over-niter, sigh... Should make a great movie, if the preview is an indicator.

    One of the MythBusters, Adam Savage, did an interview with the author. That's a really good video. Might be better to watch after reading the book, though. Long, 55 minutes!

    movie trailer:

  8. Last time I did that was with Debt of Honor. I'm older now, and accidents like these are much less likely.


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